The United States railroad industry has a long history of providing American citizens with stable and steady career opportunities. While much of the work involved in the rail community is physically taxing, the industry rewards its workers with a wide range of benefits. When a rail worker suffers a disabling illness or injury, it is reasonable to expect railroad employee retirement benefits to cover the disability.
The good news is that the nation’s Railroad Retirement Board does have a generous disability benefits program. There is, however, some bad news: The process of filing for these benefits is difficult. Further, it can take quite a long time to receive a response from the Board on an application for disability benefits. In addition, many disability benefit applications are initially denied — even when the individual filing has a good case.
As you can see, the bad news seems to outweigh the good, but all is not lost. We want California residents to know that acquiring legal counsel can increase the odds of your claim’s approval by the Railroad Retirement Board.
Legal professionals understand the requirements associated with Railroad Retirement Claims process. Similar to how things work with Social Security Disability claims, an experienced representative can help disabled railroad workers present their information in a way that the Railroad Retirement Board understands. If you receive a claim denial, your lawyer can also help you appeal the decision and work toward an approval through a reconsideration. If your claim goes to a hearing, we have the experience to present a strong case on your behalf to the Railroad Retirement Board Hearing Officer in charge of your claim.
Please explore our website further for more information and contact us with your questions.